
Poly Network 駭客Q&A!自行揭露攻擊原因😱

截至發稿,Poly Network 駭客共計已歸還 3.4 億美元的加密資產,在 BSC 和 Polygon 的部分已幾乎全部歸還。


Poly Network 駭客的自問自答
A:為了好玩 🙂
Q:為什麼選擇 PolyNetwork?

除此之外,駭客在後續的訊息中還透露,他要向世人展示,Polygon 網路很不可靠。

🔗 了解更多: https://bixin.com/hk


【Cryptocurrency heist hacker returns $260m in funds, messages on the blockchain😱】

The hacker behind one of the largest ever cryptocurrency heists has returned almost half of the $600m stolen assets to PolyNetwork.

The hacker also took to one of the blockchains to publish a three-page-long Q&A session.

Q: Why hacking?
A: For fun:)

Q: Why Poly Network?
A: Cross chain hacking is hot

In a lengthy self-Q&A, the person said they had sought to expose a Poly Network vulnerability.

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